Have your dream wedding ceremony at Fountain Gardens, Tauranga
Fountain Gardens provide three garden wedding ceremony site options to take your vows, including an all weather option.
Wedding Ceremony Deck

Fountain Gardens Tauranga – wedding ceremony deck. A wet weather canopy can be put up over the ceremony deck if required. The canopy completely covers this area and sits high up in the trees.
The wedding ceremony deck is naturally picturesque, tucked away within lush native flora and fauna, surrounded by huge ponga trees and the rare giant bamboo plantation – creating an enclosed intimate space to take your wedding vows. The area is sheltered from the wind and shaded from the sun. Filtered sunlight shines through giving a woodland feel as the Ponga and Giant bamboo quiver and sway in the breeze.
Cascading water can be seen from every angle flowing and bubbling over rocks and stones amongst the lush green fauna. The Bridal party arrives unseen by the guests below, just the murmer of ”she’s here“ can be heard muttered from person to person. The girls have time to adjust their dresses to perfection before the walk down the bamboo path.
The wedding music begins, silence falls as all look up and see glimpses of the Bride through the bamboo as she is walked down the path.
A wet weather canopy can be put up over the ceremony deck if required. The canopy completely covers this area and sits high up in the trees, you and your guests dry and comfortable.
There is room for up to 120 guests and those less mobile can be transported to the ceremony deck in our covered golf cart.
Glass Garden Pergola

Framed ivy entwined Pergola suitable for smaller wedding parties.
The framed ivy entwined Pergola provides another unique and special place to take your vows and is suited to smaller wedding parties. Huge redwood trees and Ponga surrounded by lush green fauna make up the backdrop. There is room for up to approximately 40 guests to attend your wedding ceremony.
Wedding ceremony on the lawn

Fountain Gardens lower lawn
The stunning backdrop of the central floating fountain amongst the lillies in the main lake makes this a spectacular site. It is surrounded by ancient Ponga trees towering above with their huge leaves floating in the breeze, and overlooks the rose arches and other areas of the garden. The space is wide and open, with easy access for all and is a short distance from the marquee.
Signing the register
Once the marriage is sealed a champagne toast can be served for all to enjoy as the Bridal party mingle with their guests.
Some couples prefer to receive each guest as they pass by them under the Ivy pergola on the journey through the garden up to the lawn area where a champagne toast and nibbles can also be served.
To view more photos of the Fountain Gardens wedding ceremony options please visit our photo gallery here. To find out more about our wedding ceremony options please contact us.